• iwatchdvr 2 for windows    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 精穎科技股份有限公司

      ... Familiar with Wi-Fi product and application.2. Familiar with the windows CE or embedded system.3. Familiar with Wi-Fi driver application and setup on the embedded window CE or embedded system.4. Well know the Wi-Fi driver (especially for CE system).

      電話:03-6676031    地址:新竹縣竹北市高鐵7路65號45之3號
    2. 樺德科技股份有限公司

      “Wireless Solutions for a Smarter World ”的理念樺德科技代理世界領導品牌的無線通訊(2G~4G)模組及系統; 另外在觸控系統領域中,積極扮演專業完整解決方案之提供者,提供客戶完整、高品質且迅速之服務與產品。

      電話:02-32343586    地址:新北市中和區中正路880號13樓之7
    3. 立赫企業股份有限公司

      ...es and offer the best after-services to suit customers』 demands. We look forward to cooperate with the potential factories to make the achievement that will benefits for both of us. * OPERATION PRINCIPLE:1. Providing educational、safe and comfortable entertainment place for people 2. To break the...

      電話:03-3594297    地址:桃園縣龜山鄉萬壽路二段412號4樓
    4. 優客得有限公司(Room for Dessert)

      西點現烤烘培甜點, 鬆餅, 輕食, 優格冰淇淋餐飲店, 位於統領商圈, 成立2年多, 客源足口碑佳, 獲電視台推薦優質甜品店.內外場約8-10人. 正職人員接受飲料調配, 餐飲準備製作等之培訓.

      電話:02-27112465    地址:台北市大安區敦化南路161巷46號
    5. 虎山交通器材廠有限公司

      ...ed in 1972 and specializes in Auto Body Parts and Accessories such as Door Window Handle, Outside Door Handle, Inside Door Handle, Door Lock (Assy), Hood Lock (Assy),Door Hinge, Hood Hinge, Inner Pull Handle, Clips, Window Class Lock, Rear Gate Lock Handle, Window Regulator, Door Key Set, Window Cra...

      電話:02-24965566    地址:新北市瑞芳區頂坪路4號

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